Ulysses Grant Berry was born on 24 Aug 1863 in Jefferson County, KY. He died on 12 Jun 1945. He was buried on 14 Jun 1945 in the Mt. Holly Cemetery Jefferson Co., Ky..
Ulysses Grant Berry married Susan E. "Sussie" Woods (daughter of Thomas Woods and Ella Summers ) on 23 Mar 1886 in Jefferson Co., KY. Susan E. Woods was born on 30 Nov 1870 in KY. She died on 2 Mar 1941 in Jefferson County, KY. She was buried on 5 Mar 1941 in the Mt. Holly Cemetery Jefferson Co., Ky.
Ulysses Grant Berry and Susie E. Woods had the following children:
Ella .
Georgia Berry.
Flora Berry.
Anna Bell Berry.
Mabel Berry.
John T. Berry.
William Hugh .
Edward Berry.